Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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BASIC Source File
336 lines
'* Copyright (C) 1988,1989 The GAP Development Company
'* All Rights Reserved
'* Demonstration program for GAPQBDR
'* To compile : bc door;
'* To link : link door,,NUL.MAP,+gapqbdr
'* Program will need access to DOOR.CNF, DOOR.SYS, GAPBBS.CNF, GAPDOS.DAT
'* Before doing ANYTHING else, include the following file. *
'* Declare any local variables prior to use *
DIM oldbell AS INTEGER ' so we dont make sysop mad
DIM bobo AS INTEGER ' error return codes
DIM anystring AS STRING ' string used for most everything
DIM response AS STRING ' for getting responses
DIM menu AS STRING ' for building a menu
DIM prompt AS STRING ' for the command prompt
'* Begin main line code here *
'* Before doing ANYTHING else, initialize the door with the following *
'* two function calls. *
'* Then, if you have any configuration options, line input them in *
'* and close file # 1. *
CALL read.cnf("DOOR.CNF") ' read door configuration file
CALL init.door ' initialize the door
close #1 ' we dont have any configuration
' options so we will just close
'* Now, we are going to keep track of the time credit variable that *
'* is stored in the GAPDOS.DAT file. We are going to do this because *
'* we are such nice people and we want to credit the caller for the *
'* time spent during our chat demonstration. Remember, at the *
'* beginning of the program, after initializing the door, is the *
'* place to do this because the variable 'timecredit' is initialized *
'* at doors beginning. *
'* *
'* NOTE! This function will fail (the reason for bobo) if GAPDOS.DAT *
'* does not exist (which it will not unless this program is being *
'* tested via the BBS door routines. If you need to test this *
'* feature, you will need to have a backup copy of GAPDOS.DAT that *
'* can be placed in your BBS default directory prior to running this *
'* demo! *
bobo = read.gapdos% ' read the system file
IF bobo = 0 THEN
anystring = "GAPDOS.DAT says you have " + STR$(gapdos.timecredit)
anystring = anystring + " time credits (in minutes)."
CALL show.mess(anystring, NO, YES)
CALL nl(2) ' display a couple of blank lines
CALL ansi(BRED) ' Humm, error time!
CALL show.mess("Could Not Open GAPDOS.DAT!", YES, YES)
CALL nl(2) ' display a couple of blank lines
'* Change the color prior to displaying a prompt. Send a prompt to *
'* the caller and await an answer. *
CALL ansi(BGREEN) ' set default color to Green
CALL show.mess("Please Enter Your Name : ", YES, NO) ' main output routine
response = SPACE$(30) ' must initialize all variables
' passed to get.string
CALL get.string(response) ' now get the caller's name
CALL nl(1) ' display a blank line
'* An alternative way to change colors on the fly is to do it *
'* inline. It is also a bit faster since fewer function calls are *
'* made. But note that to change colors like this, you have to test *
'* if the caller is in color mode. *
IF c.olor = 1 THEN
anystring = BCYAN + "Your name is : " + BRED + response + BCYAN + "."
anystring = "Your name is : " + response + "."
CALL show.mess(anystring, NO, YES)' tell caller what was entered
CALL nl(1) ' display a blank line
CALL ansi(BGREEN) ' change colors
call show.mess("But on the BBS, your First Name is : "+first +".",NO,YES)
CALL nl(1) ' display a blank line
CALL pause ' wait for a key press before continuing
CALL nl(2) ' display a couple of blank lines
'* The next example is the WRONG way to display a color string since *
'* it does not bother checking if the user is in color mode. *
'* The correct way is to check the c.olor variable. If it is a 1 *
'* then it is safe to send color. This is exactly what ansi() does. *
anystring = BRED + "I'm going to mess up your black & white screen." + CRLF
anystring = anystring + "Because I'm not checking to see if you have " + CRLF
anystring = anystring + BWHITE + "Color turned on!!!"
CALL show.mess(anystring, NO, YES)
CALL nl(2) ' display a couple of blank lines
'* It is now time to page the sysop. Just in case the sysop has his *
'* page bell turned off, we are going to cheat a bit and turn it on. *
'* For demonstration purposes only, you see! *
'* We will also demonstrate how to obtain and display the time left. *
'* *
'* Note that the 'timeleft' variable is automatically updated by the *
'* input routines. If you need to make sure that it is current, you *
'* can always call time.left() prior to using it. Since 'timeleft' *
'* is an integer, you will need to convert it to a string and then *
'* trim the leading space from it. *
CALL nl(1)
if c.olor = 1 then
anystring = YELLOW + "["+BRED + LTRIM$(str$(timeleft))+" mins" + YELLOW + "] To Page the Sysop, type a 'P' : "
anystring = "["+ LTRIM$(str$(timeleft))+" mins] To Page the Sysop, type a 'P' : "
end if
CALL show.mess(anystring, NO, NO)
response = " " ' must initialize get.string variable
CALL get.string(response) ' get the caller's response
LOOP WHILE response <> "P" ' loop till valid response
'* We are going to override the sysop's page bell flag so we can *
'* can hear the bell. This is not a good thing to do as it will tend *
'* to anger the sysop if a door program does not honor his BBS *
'* settings. Sorry sysop. We'll put the bell flag back the way it *
'* was when we are finished. *
oldbell = bell ' keep track of old bell setting
bell = 1 ' turn sysop's page bell on
CALL pagesysop ' now page the sysop
bell = oldbell ' restore old bell setting
'* Lets now display a file. We want to display a color version of *
'* the file if the caller is in color mode and an ascii version of *
'* the file if the caller is in non-color mode. So, we will ask the *
'* programmer to supply the name of a BBS welcome file. *
'* The programmer should supply the name of the non-color version of *
'* the file (IE, no 'G' at the end of the name). *
'* *
'* The show.file() routine makes certain assumptions about the file *
'* name being passed to it. It assumes that you are calling it with *
'* a path and file name for a file that you know is or should be *
'* present. Show.file() will attempt to find the file, but if it *
'* cannot, it simply returns (no error code). *
'* If you are gathering input from the user, as this example does, *
'* you may want to call a.ccess() to first see if the file exists. *
CALL nl(2) ' display a couple of blank lines
CALL ansi(YELLOW) ' set a default color
CALL show.mess("Enter full path name to your BBS Welcome File : ", NO, NO)
response = SPACE$(65) ' must initialize variable
CALL get.string(response) ' get the path and name of file to show
if a.ccess% (response) <> 0 then ' does file exist?
call nl(1)
call ansi(BRED) ' no, tell them in RED!
call show.mess("File Not Found!",YES,YES)
call nl(1)
exit do ' yes, go show it
end if
loop ' till valid file name entered
call ansi (YELLOW) ' reset default color
CALL show.file(response) ' now show the file.
'* Lets see what is going on with the time credit variable. *
'* Depending upon how long the programmer chatted with his/her self, *
'* or if the up or down arrow keys were pressed at any time, it could *
'* be quite different from what GAP wrote to the GAPDOS.DAT file! *
IF bobo = 0 THEN ' only if we could 1st read the file
CALL nl(2) ' display a couple of blank lines
CALL ansi(BGREEN) ' set a default color
CALL show.mess("GAPDOS timecredit was " + STR$(gapdos.timecredit) + " mins.", NO, YES)
CALL show.mess("We are going to explicitly ADD 20 minutes.", NO, YES)
timecredit = timecredit + 20 ' add 20 minutes
gapdos.timecredit = gapdos.timecredit + timecredit
bobo = write.gapdos% ' update GAPDOS.DAT
CALL nl(1) ' show a blank line
CALL show.mess("GAPDOS timecredit now equals " + STR$(gapdos.timecredit) + " mins.", NO, YES)
CALL ansi(YELLOW) ' set a default color
CALL show.mess("Any difference came from CHAT or Up/Down Arrow Keys!", YES, NO)
CALL nl(2) ' display a couple of blank lines
CALL pause ' pause before continuing
'* Lets now build some menus all at once. *
'* These menus were created with an ANSI editor. This is perhaps the *
'* fastest and easiest way to create menus. It is also faster to *
'* display a menu all at once instead of displaying each line of the *
'* menu one at a time. *
if c.olor = 1 then
menu = "C
menu = menu + " ║C
Main MenuC
menu = menu + " ╟──────────────────────────────────────╢"+CRLF
menu = menu + " ║C║"+CRLF
menu = menu + " ║
]op PlayersC[
]age Sysop
menu = menu + " ║
]ser Stats
menu = menu + " ║
menu = menu + " ╚══════════════════════════════════════╝"+CRLF+CRLF
menu = " ╔══════════════════════════════════════╗"+CRLF
menu = menu + " ║ Main Menu ║"+CRLF
menu = menu + " ╟──────────────────────────────────────╢"+CRLF
menu = menu + " ║ ║"+CRLF
menu = menu + " ║ [T]op Players [P]age Sysop ║"+CRLF
menu = menu + " ║ [H]elp [U]ser Stats ║"+CRLF
menu = menu + " ║ [Q]uit [G]amble ║"+CRLF
menu = menu + " ╚══════════════════════════════════════╝"+CRLF+CRLF
end if
call clear.scr ' fist clear the screen
call nl(2) ' do a couple of blank lines
if c.olor = 1 then
prompt = YELLOW + "["+BRED + LTRIM$(str$(timeleft))+" mins" + YELLOW + "] Main Command : "
prompt = "["+ LTRIM$(str$(timeleft))+" mins] Main Command : "
end if
call show.mess(menu,NO,YES) ' show the menu
call show.mess(prompt,NO,NO) ' show the prompt
response = " " ' initialize response
call get.string(response) ' get user input
if response <> "Q" then
call nl(2)
call ansi(BRED)
call show.mess("Only Menu Choice 'Q' Is Working!",YES,YES)
call nl(1)
call pause
end if
loop until response = "Q"